This book is like no other. It will not sit easily on a library’s shelf for it can never be classified. No code will ever be seen on its spine or any bytes found on a computer disc. It does not fit into any genre of literature. It is not a novel for what it says is the truth; nor is it a history because it reads like a work of fiction; neither is it a biography for it spans the millennia of civilisations; or an autobiography for I am but a ghost; and in no sense is it a guide, although it contains photographs and illustrations. An epic poem it is not - despite the momentous events of which it tells and the verses found in its pages. A play it might be, for its characters are actors on a stage, but it cannot be, for its script was written by Ancient Gods. It is none of these: and yet it is all of them.
Many of you will no doubt have been duped into believing the sensational and ludicrous claims made by a publisher as to the brilliance of their latest ‘bestseller’; leaving you the poor unfortunate reader to ask – ‘Why did I bother with such rubbish?’; you having wasted considerable effort and expense on such a forlorn hope of expecting literary excellence. My books have one unique advantage over all others; in that, they are books for everyone. For those brave enough to venture inside them, you will read the book that you really want, not the one which the publisher thinks you do. My books speak only of truth. All of their characters were real people, who actually lived the events described and who even spoke the very same words written in their pages. They are not works of fiction. They are based in fact. They are books which means all things to all readers.
If your book of choice is an adventure that spans both time and space – then these are the books you must read. They speak of ghostly encounters and of the reincarnation of the soul across the ages. They write of all that defines our lives; they will speak of love and lust; tell of laughter and sadness and about envy and greed; of strength and weakness, of bravery and cowardice and of loss. You will learn of Ancient Gods and of curses; and of the power of belief in overcoming death itself; and how the fleeting mortality of this life can be replaced by one where eternity awaits only those of good heart.
If you expect to read a love story or one that ends happily, then you shall; for it also tells of a beautiful girl with the blackest of hair and the bluest of eyes; she refuses to open her heart to the hotel’s talented and caring young doctor who has given her his own, and who in the end sacrifices his life in the pursuit of her love; it speaks of her grief at coming to terms with his loss; and how she overcame it through the power of the ancient Egyptian belief, where death is but only the beginning; and for those who have faith and goodness in their hearts, they too will find a new life with those they love; a life that will last for all eternity, amongst the ‘Field of Reeds’, one which is their very own vision of paradise.
If you wish for spiritual guidance and enlightenment then my books are for you. They speak of the Gods of all religions, the God of Christ, the Allah of Islam, the Spirits of Shintoism, the teachings of Buddha and the Pagan Gods of ancient peoples; and of man’s futile attempts to explain all by science alone. And of how they can be reconciled into a single God, a belief first conceived by the heretical Pharaoh Akhenaten, but one which ultimately failed; a belief that other faiths came later to embrace. My books argue that the name of the one true God does not matter, only that they exist as the sole creator of the universe; the universe which lies beneath our feet and is seen above our heads. You my readers should always remember that – “To speak the name of the dead is to make them live again, and restores the breath of life to him who has vanished.”
If you are a teacher, they should be read by your pupils; because they are books written using words long forgotten, but ones which were once used by literature’s greatest writers. It will encourage every student to employ and to understand the rich nuances of the lexicon of language; and to realise the subtle differences between two words of similar but not identical meaning. By not using such words, it becomes impossible to accurately and faithfully express ideas, describe emotions, define events or tell stories. The language of letters and symbols is mankind’s greatest invention, for without it, we could never have achieved, understood or created anything in the world around us.
To the historians amongst you will read of the futility and senselessness of war and religious persecution; and to the many interested in the disastrous role of politicians and governments in creating and fermenting such conflicts, I urge you also to read my books. For in their pages there are discussions on the origins of the seemingly never ending involvement of states and empires; which have their roots not in the present but in a past long consigned to the forgotten pages of history; where any outcome will never be one of victory, but instead a continuation of grief born out of the failure, indifference, incompetence and the blind refusal of our rulers to learn from its mistakes, which are repeated time and time again. After all, history is only the hindsight of the future.
Even, if you prefer theatre to books, they are still ones you should read; for they are also plays of Machiavellian proportions; one where twists are entwined within turns; where mirrors reveal truths hidden behind the smoke of lies; in which plots exist within schemes; and when deception masquerades as reality. They are works of theatre written and directed by the Ancient Gods themselves. The characters of my books are its actors, whose roles are performed for purposes, which are far greater and more important than all others.
If your preference is for apocalyptic novels, that foretell of catastrophic events, then you too, will not be disappointed. For within their pages there are contained prophesies that speak of matters which should not be ignored. You will be well advised not to dismiss them. Be warned, my readers, for only when a prophecy is fulfilled and shown to be true, will full understanding of its meaning become clear to you. Remember this well and believe what will be told to you.
Welcome to A. A. Aziz's Book 'The Field of Reeds' – a new genre of literature based on truth, adventure, love, history, enlightenment, spirituality and prophecy. His book was published by Austin Macauley in early 2021.