Page 16 - The_Field_of_Reeds
P. 16
‘Ani’s House of Eternity’
Reverend Charles Bousfield
Huleatt (1863-1908)
“Sir, – As many of your readers have wintered on the Nile and
worshipped at the little English Church at Luxor, we feel that the
publication of this appeal will be as welcome to them as appreciated by
us…The late chaplain was so well known and so highly esteemed by
English visitors to Luxor that the opportunity of contributing to such a
memorial will doubtless be welcomed by them. Subscriptions will be
received and acknowledged by Messrs. Thomas Cook & Son, Ludgate
Circus. Yours etc. A. H. SAYCE (Professor of Assyriology, Oxford)” 9.1
A. W. GROSS M.A. (Chaplain, English Church, Luxor): F. H. COOK
(Chairman, Luxor Hospital Committee)
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